"Art in Fashion with Sustainable Purpose".

Friends, we live in an amazing time of creative freedom in fashion. As a Designer I am super excited about the future launch of "Ver'e'ne Revival"!

Coming in March 2018 so be sure to follow us on Facebook so you don't miss a beat! 

Bring us Your unwanted Jeans, Laces, Buttons, Leather Boots of any kind, flannel shirts, and leather clothing.Enjoy complimentary Coffee or tea and treats, and receive a coupon redeemable on ANY American Made item! Candles, Clothes, ANYTHING American Made! Both Stores! 

There is no monetary exchange for the items you bring in...However, you have our promise...





  • We promise we will breathe new life into the items, our community, our trainees and our employees.
  • By exercising our talents in training, encouraging creativity, providing fair wages.
  • By providing our team an environment of mentoring, love and encouragement.
  • Tailored West is open to the public six days a week.
  • Providing our community and all guests to our community a very special shopping experience.
  • Because our Designing and manufacturing is on-site at our Canon City location, guests can enjoy a glimpse of the creative process.






I feel this new adventure is going to be highly rewarding in a multitude of ways and I thank you in advance for your interest and any contributions, whether your prayers, your encouraging words, your visits or your "stuff"!

God Bless America, God bless You!

